June 02, 2012

Ten things we've learned about Tennyson...

1.  She is the most adorable thing on the face of this planet.  I mean, come on.

Discussion finished.

2.  Speaking of adorable, she has two itty bitty dimples that show up quite often and immediately melt your heart.

3.  She loves to have her hands up by her face.  In every ultrasound we saw she had her little hands up on her cheeks, or trying to suck a thumb, or both!  Well, that has translated into the outside world.  It is pretty cute, but also makes for trouble sleeping and feeding cause she keeps bopping herself in the face.  This problem obviously calls for some tight swaddling, but her 5 lb, 12 oz frame packs quite a bunch and she's busted out of every swaddle we put her in so far.  Perhaps we need to get better at swaddling, or perhaps we need a baby straight-jacket.  Time will tell.

4. She HATES being changed.  Have you seen the pictures of this girl's closet?  That's right ladies, be envious. All those clothes and this little one would prefer to stay in whatever she is currently in, thank you very much!

5. She HATES being wet.  What's that, Tennyson, your little diaper line turned blue 3 seconds ago?  Thanks for letting us know!  Oh, and that hating being changed thing certainly goes for diapers as well.  It's a good thing that number 1 up there is still in play.

6.  All of that hating has led us to learn another thing about Tenny.  The girl can sing!  What a set of pipes!  Small baby does not equal small crying.  However, it is the most adorable cry in the entire world and when that little bottom lip starts to quiver daddy starts promising Tenny anything she could ever want.  Ever.

7.  She is a super good feeder, and she wants more, and she wants it now.  But baby, mommy's milk is still coming in.  "I don't care, give me more."  Tennyson will go for 20-30 minute stretches and has been latching on very well.  No complaints from this department, except mommy is a bit sore from hour-long feeding marathons.  The nursery folks suggested a pacifier until the milk starts to flow, and Tenny approves.

8.  She is a healthy little nugget.  The pediatrician has had nothing but rave reviews so far and she has passed all of the tests in nursery.  Her APGAR (for those in the know, wink wink) was 9/10, but that was only because her color was a little off.  Anyway, like all good parents I'm going to blame someone else for her academic shortcomings and say the nurse needs to get her eyes checked.

9.  All of those foot rubs that mommy requested and received for the past 9 months do not translate to baby.    DO NOT touch my feet, says Tennyson.  But they're so cute!  No.  But just look how tiny and soft!  No.  But we need to check your blood sugar!  No.  But...

10.  She is a rotten thief, and I don't think either of us are ever going to get our hearts back.

June 01, 2012

She's here!

Tennyson Leigh Keafer was born at 5:10pm on Thursday, May 31, 2012.  She weighed 5 pounds and 11 ounces and was 19 inches long.  She has a nice head of dark hair and is just absolutely perfect.  The delivery was fairly uneventful (Cate opted for the epidural, which she described as "magical") for the first 11 hours or so after induction.  However, at about 4:45 Cate started to feel different and when the nurse checked her out, she was obviously ready to go.  After one push, the nurse actually told her to stop because the doctor was still on her way down.  The doctor got there at 5:00 and Tennyson was not waiting any longer!  Just two more pushes and Tennyson was in the world!

Tenny is absolutely perfect.  She is so interested in everything that is going on and when she is up her eyes are open and searching!  After a few minutes of trying to figure it out she has latched on with breastfeeding no problem and has gone through a series of 20-30 minute eating stretches.  She was awake for the first 4-5 hours of life and got meet both sets of grandparents and a great grandma before she went off to sleep a bit.  We are so excited for her and absolutely love spending every minute we can with her!  Can't wait to get her home.

Cate is having a bit of a rough go.  The actual labor went very smoothly, but after it was done Cate has been having bleeding issues throughout the night.  The doctor was actually called and and performed a procedure that finally stopped the bleeding (we can fill anyone interested in on the details later!)  After getting to the hospital at 6:00am yesterday Cate is finally sleeping next to me at 6:20am today.  She's going to get some blood and hopefully some nice, much needed, much deserved rest.  She has been so amazing and I could not be more proud of my wonderful wife!

And here is what you have really all been waiting for...Pictures!