December 24, 2011

Announcement video


This is how we told my family about Cate being pregnant.  What you don't hear is Nana saying to me, "So you do know how to do it, huh?  It's about time!"  

December 22, 2011

Just adding a few pictures...

This is how we announced to the family at Thanksgiving.

The second ultrasound. This was from mid-October.

Ultrasound is scheduled!

The date is set! January 25 at 10:30 we will find out the gender of Baby Keafer. So excited! In the mean time, what do you all think of our top 2 names? Boy- Silas Stahl Keafer Girl- Tennyson Leigh Keafer. Let us know if you like those names. If you don't like them, keep your comments to yourself. Jerks.

December 20, 2011

December Update

Cate is now working on 16 weeks pregnant as the baby is now about the size of navel orange. Cate's starting to show a little bump, but with the baby doubling in weight each week she should start to really show before too long! We have an appointment coming up in early January and from there we should set a date to find out the gender some time in the middle of the month. Gaaaaaa! It's going so quickly but we are both so excited! Cate is especially excited for the mythical "second trimester" where she is supposed to start feeling better. It hasn't happened yet, but keep her in your prayers and hopefully things will start to calm down very soon. Keep checking back for more info!